Thanks to Blizzard's addition of SSC and Tempest Keep (TK) to WoW TBC Classic Phase 2, when players fully enter the 25-man raid, they'll be saying goodbye to Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, and Magtheridon's Lair. Players will need to earn Reverence and purchase the Coilfang Hero Key in Cenarion Expedition before entering Phase 2. After that, players also need to kill Gruul the Dragon Slayer and Nightcrawler.

In order to enter the Coilfang Heroes dungeon, players need to gain the respect of the Cenarion Expedition and purchase the Coilfang Key. Once done, players need to enter with a group of people and kill the first boss. After killing them, the WOW TBC Gold player will need to talk to the Heretic Skadis in order to obtain the quest The Staff of Kadish. After that, players need to go to Gruul's lair, pass the first boss, and then kill Gruul himself.

Buy TBC Classic Gold

After the player kills Gruul the Dragon Slayer, the player can pick up the Staff of Kadish and go to the third step. The player needs to kill the Nightcrawler in the third step. First, players need to enter Karazhan, which will require players to get used to the raid. Players need to have themselves or someone in their party summon Nightbane. This involves a quest chain given outside of Karazhan, which sees the player as a hero and gets quests.

Once Nightbane is dead, the player can Buy TBC Gold loot his items and return to the heresy in Slave Pens Heroic. After completing the above three steps, players can enter SSC. It is worth mentioning that with the help of MMOWTS, players will not have to worry about the lack of TBC Classic Gold at all, and their online customer service will solve all the problems players encounter.